Funny pictures
See also women laughing alone with salad and the superb women struggling to drink water. It's amazing how the last one gets creepier and creepier as you scroll down. It has to be the most NSFW-in-practice-but-SFW-in-theory page I've ever seen. Edit -- and hover over each image for a amusing tooltip.
metalangel wrote:

They have those exact photos in one of the toilets on the Cheshire Oaks, a couple of miles down the road from here. I like them.
There's a different picture but the same concept in the loos of the Afflecks Palace cafe too.
What's the woman in the middle doing? Has she got tweezers, or something?
Tape measure, isn't it?
metalangel wrote:

Heh, excellent. Especially when you read the full article and see her sidekick...Robama!

Decca wrote:

have they got velcro on?
Decca wrote:
<Dog in boots gif>

Doctor Glyndwr wrote:


Ave it Dimrill.
Isn't there already a sequel?
It's even more horrifying than an 'edgy' Hollywood action interpretation.

Grim... wrote:
Isn't there already a sequel?

Yep. Return to Oz, starring a young Fairuza Balk. Very disturbed by it, I was.

Ahhhh! Wheelers!
Squirt wrote:

Ahhhh! Wheelers!

That's not a funny picture, it's a terrifying one.
It's just a hat.

A terrifying hat
flis wrote:
Squirt wrote:

Ahhhh! Wheelers!

That's not a funny picture, it's a terrifying one.

It was more a reply to my post than a funny picture per se.
:DD Is there really a Christian movement against wanking? With all the ills in the world, and stuff, is this really the thing they get most worked up about?
Odds are, they're all sexual deviants behind closed doors and massively racked with guilt.

They all need a jolly good wank, if you ask me.
She can rub against me any day.
Shit, just read her name! :DD :facepalm:
YOG wrote:

Her sly smile seems to indicate that she's aware of the hilarity. Bet she joined just to nobly supply the world with extra laffs. :)

ZOMG Spoiler! Click here to view!
And faps.
She appears to be Heather Graham. Not shy of providing a few faps, is Heather.
It's hardly fair, If you look like that, you can be against masturbation and still get your jollies. :D
Trooper wrote:
It's hardly fair, If you look like that, you can be against masturbation and still get your jollies. :D

If you google the name you'll find its a fake (and its an editied still from a tv show) :-)
Tragically, it's just photoshopped.


But this definitely isn't.
Although reading it did encourage me to read his wikipedia page which includes

In 2003, during an appearance on Have I Got News For You, McKellen claimed that when he visited Michael Howard, then Environment Secretary (responsible for local government), in 1988 to lobby against Section 28, Howard refused to change his position but did ask him to leave an autograph for his children. McKellen agreed, but wrote "Fuck off, I'm gay."[32]
Craster wrote:
Not sure if serious...

Hah, nah! Even if one didn't know Ian McKellen was gay or an activist, you can still see the real slogan behind him. :p
Just when you think you've got the hang of driving in the snow...

GovernmentYard wrote:

Art exhibition (but real) - i do like the other one as well ... -the-rats/

Bobbyaro wrote:
Is that malc?

I don't do hats, I feel they make you lose your hair!

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