Doctor Who
The boy/girl in the Blue Box!
You always become what you loath.
oh god what have i done
Goatboy wrote:
Next year's theme: Shit off, Murray Gold.

I see you that and raise you this:

I think the series 5 titles should be startlingly different to the current ones, which these certainly are!

EDIT: With this music: ... re=related

Or this music, which is awful yet compelling, and gels with the video surprisingly well: ... re=related
I really enjoyed this weekend's one. Everyone seemed to be having so much fun.
Bah! Not up on Iplayer yet.
Yeah I thought it was a superbly observed tribute to the genre with universally good performances.
Aaah, yes, much better. Wish it had lived though. Still, appreciate the line from the Doc about how it couldn't help itself. Thoroughly enjoyable episode and a jolly funny one. Importantly - no plot holes!
No sonic screwdriver usage. Excellent. No great peril for the Earth in general. Excellent. General sense of fun. Pretty good. Over eager performance from David Tennant. Not so good. More usage of giving people their famous ideas. Not so good. Guy going zzzz before changing. A bit silly. Overall pretty good but seemed to be thinking itself a bit too clever for its own good. The Ood episode is still my favourite this season with this one close behind.
I watched this earlier, and then over tea it struck me why this episode was good:

Catherine Tate didn't shout a lot. I had to actually think for a second what the actresses name was, as she really became Donna for me in this episode. Really topped it off.

But the wasp monster was silly, and I'm quite fed up of the Doctor knowing every single species instantly. Even someone who has met all races before should have a lousy memory once in a while and have to go and look something up in a book.
I think it would have been a lot better if played out a lot calmer. You know quite often in the episode I couldn't help thinking what a frump Catherine Tate appears to be most of the time in the way she lumps herself about. She's got no posture that woman..
I thought there was something about her. Yes, God, her posture's terrible. You could nail her to a wall and she's still be slouching around.
Watching again now: the best bit is the Doctor's flashback to rescuing Charlemagne from the insane computer.
I enjoyed it a lot.
I wonder about the flashback.. when would that have taken place and would have still been this incarnation of the Doctor? Or does he just imagine himself in his current form each time? Sorry that's clearly overly nerdy.
I think it's an ongoing joke. At the end of Blink we see The Doctor and Martha show up on their way to sort out "three things and a lizard", and he has an arrow quiver on his back then too.

It's like a kick in the teeth really as the writers are basically saying "This is what we could have written this episode about, imagine how great it could have been instead of this dross!"
And of course, there's the time the devil built a robot.
I also saw it as a tongue in cheek reference to the Sherlock Holmes stories. Frequently an excitingly named adventure would be referenced, but never elaborated on. "The case of the Turqoise Parrot of Shanghai" and so on.

EDIT: Actually, you're right Gazchap. Though I really enjoyed this episode - and sighed an active sigh of relief when I realised there wouldn't be any saving the world guff - I wish there'd be more episode ideas like the 'Saving Charlmange from mad computer' one. More strange and bizarre threats in time and space that seriously inconvenience and menace people, not more 'OMG! End ot wrld!1" ones. The end of world plots are really losing their freshness, and are the critical testing point now of Doc Who.

Hopefully they're realising this and are reigning back. Hopefully.
GazChap wrote:
I think it's an ongoing joke. At the end of Blink we see The Doctor and Martha show up on their way to sort out "three things and a lizard", and he has an arrow quiver on his back then too.

It's like a kick in the teeth really as the writers are basically saying "This is what we could have written this episode about, imagine how great it could have been instead of this dross!"

Except of course, blink was awesome.
Indeed Blink was. What a happy trio of complete wonder those three episodes were.
Dudley wrote:
GazChap wrote:
I think it's an ongoing joke. At the end of Blink we see The Doctor and Martha show up on their way to sort out "three things and a lizard", and he has an arrow quiver on his back then too.

It's like a kick in the teeth really as the writers are basically saying "This is what we could have written this episode about, imagine how great it could have been instead of this dross!"

Except of course, blink was awesome.

Oh yes, I was referring to The Unicorn and the Wasp really. Blink was indeed fantastic, even if it did make me sleep with the light on that night.
nervouspete wrote:
Indeed Blink was. What a happy trio of complete wonder those three episodes were.

But how quickly did our hearts sink so very low. It's magical Jesus Doctor, with his plucky black assistant whose 'true purpose', her exciting destiny is... is to go all over the world telling everyone to believe in some white guy or the world will end!

I quite liked that plot idea - power of story and myth and everything. Slightly bungled, and I very much disliked the episode on first viewing. On my last third viewing somehow it worked for me though, and genuinely felt epic. Still flawed, but a lot better than I once thought.
There seems to be a kind of Blink 2 next week? Stay out of the deadly shadows. Something to put the willies up the kiddies, anyway. Actually, I think that's illegal nowadays.
Will Sally Sparrow be in it? I :hug: Sally Sparrow.
AceAceBaby wrote:
There seems to be a kind of Blink 2 next week? Stay out of the deadly shadows. Something to put the willies up the kiddies, anyway. Actually, I think that's illegal nowadays.

Blink 2: Masters of Time and Space? Will there be time travelling cats in it?
kalmar wrote:
Will Sally Sparrow be in it? I :hug: Sally Sparrow.

No, but Jenny the Dalek Slayer looks like her perky little sister so maybe there's hope in the future.
The "shadows" episode is the first part of a two-parter by Blink writer Mr. Moffat.

But it's on in two weeks time thanks to sodding EuroVision.
richardgaywood wrote:


And it was excellent that Russell T Davies got it first. Big applause to him for getting the kiddiwinkles hooked, updating the mythos, embiggening the budget and streamlining what had previously become a tortured, clunky, miserable thing. But now we need fresher stuff, with more than two variations of plot. Glad to see he's cheerfully moving on.
That is awesome news. Blink was up there with the best Sci-Fi ever.

But I do love the RTD. Hopefully he stays involved. For all the stick he gets he brought Dr Who back from the dead and that makes him amazing. It takes a strong fan to see what he loves and be willing to make the changes to make it work again.
Standing ovation for the departing Russell T Davies. He did the impossible, basically, and we were lucky to have him.

But hooray for Moffat taking over! Couldn't have wished for a better lead writer. No idea what he's like as a producer, mind.
He had an exec producer credit on Jekyll, as well as being the lead writer. That worked out OK.
Yeah, Jekyll was ace.

I'm starting the "Jack Davenport to replace David Tennant as The Doctor" rumours here and now.
The Rev Owen wrote:
Standing ovation for the departing Russell T Davies. He did the impossible, basically, and we were lucky to have him.

But hooray for Moffat taking over! Couldn't have wished for a better lead writer. No idea what he's like as a producer, mind.


Woo fucking hoo! Mr One Trick Pony will be gone and will be replaced by someone with genuine talent. Moffat is a lovely chap who deserves the gig and is a proper Who writer in the old school way

As for RTD taking the credit for reviving Who, what he deserves credit for was being able to use his name to interest BBC TV enough to bring it back. Frankly he'd have had to have been a moron to fuck it up once it was given the green light and a decent budget.
Think you're been a bit harsh there, Chinnyhill mate.

I for one loved:

Rose (Phew, it's quite good, if with a shite director.)
Gridlock (atheist does religious Bladerunnery thing)
Love & Monsters (despite Peter Kaye annoying me, it was brave and clever)
End of the World (Oh! It has a budget! :D )
Bad Wolf / Parting of the Ways (2000AD stylee fun)
Smith & Jones (Apart from the stupid ending)
The Christmas Invasion (remember when the Christmas Special was good?)

The only one of his I actually disliked was that Adipose one, which was hammering his old cliches ("Ho ho! Fat people, eh? But they're lovable really, aren't they? And people too.") and the war-crime bad Runaway Bride and intersteller war-crime bad, cock-awful, Voyage of the Damned.

By the way, what is your avatar there?
nervouspete wrote:
Think you're been a bit harsh there, Chinnyhill mate.

By the way, what is your avatar there?

I thought I was generous to be frank.

Avatar is Mr Bad Smell man, the man who used to report on bad smells for the BBC news. His name was Kevin Bocquet and wherever he reported from his face would appear as if there was a terrible smell in the immediate area.

Today's bad smell is Nervouspete.

Obviously this was all funnier on Popbitch where everyday someone would post a screengrab from the lunchtime news with the caption "Today's bad smell is in [placename]".
To turn what was the biggest embarrassment of the BBC into it's flagship show is a pretty good trick by any-ones standards.
chinnyhill10 wrote:
I thought I was generous to be frank.

Avatar is Mr Bad Smell man, the man who used to report on bad smells for the BBC news. His name was Kevin Bocquet and wherever he reported from his face would appear as if there was a terrible smell in the immediate area.


Why couldn't his name be Kevin Bouquet? :( Quality choice anyhow.

And really? Ouch. Shame you didn't like his work at all. Though I am glad RTD is leaving, because I really do want a different plotty focus to the show beyond alien invasion/monster threatens world now. Hope you have more luck with the Moffat season.
Lave wrote:
To turn what was the biggest embarrassment of the BBC into it's flagship show is a pretty good trick by any-ones standards.

Of course we are ignoring the fact here that the BBC were very keen to promote the 1996 movie as a flagship product. And that BBC Worldwide would have brought back Who in 1993 if they had got their own way.

But hey, let's push the RTD myth and ignore the fact that my dog could have relaunched the series with the same amount of success. What RTD did was bring his name to the process that lent credability. After that he added very little that any half decent script editor couldn't have done.
nervouspete wrote:


Why couldn't his name be Kevin Bouquet? :( Quality choice anyhow. [/quote]

The BBC website actually disagrees about the spelling. On some pages it is Bocquet, in others Bouquet. Spook!
I don't want to post this on RLLMUK particularly, but I can see it being of interest to Chinny at least: Doctor Who's answer to Stuart Campbell, Lawrence Miles, who's managed to make almost everyone involved in the show hate him forever, has posted a script online:

It's fucking fantastic; I was honestly stunned at just how good it was. It's a shame it will never see the light of day ever. For me at least it's about seventy-nine times better than anything in this series so far.
vegetables wrote:
I don't want to post this on RLLMUK particularly, but I can see it being of interest to Chinny at least: Doctor Who's answer to Stuart Campbell, Lawrence Miles, who's managed to make almost everyone involved in the show hate him forever, has posted a script online:

Name rings a bell. Think he was an NA author who possibly posted on the old Usenet forum. Can't remember what his crimes were. Probably no worse than people like Kate Orman and John Blum who pretty much destroyed the newsgroup by wanting their own special group.
Oh, oh, oh...please let this be true. ... e&id=16559

Gaiman to write an episode of Dr Who in 2010.
It is true. Apparently Moffat asked him to write one.
Nothing's confirmed though.
Neil's journal entry:

I see from the internets that Rich Johnston's carefully worded "Well, Neil and Steven Moffat had dinner, and Neil hasn't said no, but there's many slip between cup and lip..." thingummy on his rumour site became "It's an open secret that..." when it was reported on Aint It Cool News and that's now transmuted into "OMG NEIL IS WRITING DOCTOR WHO BEST NEWS EVER" on the next round of news sites, and most of my mail today (except for the one from the young man who wants to know how to get out of doing military service, which just left me flashing on the last part of Blackadder Goes Forth) is asking why I haven't told everyone all about it...

Look, if it ever gets to the point where I know that I'm actually, definitely, for certain, writing an episode of Doctor Who, I'll post it here. In big red letters. Or green. You'll know when it happens, trust me. I may even get Maddy to write the entry for me, and include photographs of cats doing amusing things in it. It'll be a proper blog post. Promise.

You can regularily read Neil's journal at - It quite often has entertaining trivia.
So Neil Gaiman's got our Maddy?!
So it would seem.
You know, I'm so used over the years to reading his journal and the sporadic posts by his amusing ten year old daughter Maddy that I didn't even think that the inevitable amusing comments would be made. :D
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