Think of all those conversations you ruined!
All that avatars that must be reset as well! tut tut tut!
I do like your excellent terms and conditions though!

Also; make the "BETEO" bit at the top link back to the forum main? Also also; BETEO reminds me of the chuckle brothers "BETEO, BETOU"
ALSOALSOALSO: "Notify" is not on by default >:(

Also: Light blue for used links or ligth blue for unused? Tottaly confusing!
The link colours seem the wrong way around. It's been throwing me also, now that we've got folks posting here.
Also, in the e-mail that you get when you register (and presumably any other notifications) the forum admin's e-mail address is wrong - you've got it set to
Fixed the email address, but my crappy eyes are still having trouble spotting these different coloured links.
Do you mean the bold ones on the forum page?
Topics, mister, topics.
Yeah, the forum page.
They are meant to look like that - they are bold if they are brand new, and not if you've seen them before.

Removing the emboldening should be a simple enough change, if that's what people want.
Really? Hmmm....
Here it seems like if there's a new post it has an icon (normal) and if I've not clicked it before it's blue, but if I _HAVE_ clicked it before it's a lighter blue. Can they not just be the same colour? For no reason what so ever it confuses me!
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